Cuban students above Latin American average

by OnCubaNews

Cuban students obtain results above the regional average, according to a study of the educational systems of Latin America presented this Tuesday by UNESCO, which urges Havana to maintain its efforts in this area.

According to the 2019 Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (ERCE), Cuba is above the regional average in Reading and Mathematics in third grade; and in Reading and Science in sixth grade, while in Mathematics its achievements are similar to the regional average. In addition, there is no gender gap in Mathematics and Science, although there is in Reading.

In Reading, Cuba obtained 730 points in third grade compared to 697 of the regional average. It also had a lower percentage of students in level I, with the lowest performance, (30.3%) than the average (44.3%) and a higher percentage in level IV, the one with the best performance, (21.1%) with respect to the region. (15.7%).

In sixth grade, Cuba scored 738 points, compared to 696 of the Latin American average. The lower proportion of students in level I (11.9%) compared to the region (23.3%) and a higher proportion in level IV (26%) compared to 16.4% stand out.

In third-grade Mathematics, Cuba obtained 751 points compared to the average of 698. In addition, the study found that three out of every four Cuban students are above the lowest level of performance.

In sixth grade, Cuba achieved 689 points, a figure similar to the regional average (696 points). However, it has a higher proportion of students in level I (53%) than the region (49.2%); but in sixth-grade Science Cuba obtained 779 points, a score higher than the regional one (702 points).

By US-Cuba Normalization Committee

Organizing Committee, International and Nationwide Conference for the Normalization of US-Cuba Relations.