Because the Cuban people had the audacity to rise up and overthrow the murderous US puppet dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and, Because the Cuban people defeated the US "Bay of Pigs" invasion and a coup attempt in 1961, and Because Fidel Castro survived 638 assassination attempts by the CIA and, Because the Cuban revolution survived many decades-long campaigns of terrorist attacks and covert operations carried out by the CIA known as Operation Mongoose and, Most importantly, because the Cuban people steadfastly continue to provide a shining example to the rest of Latin America and the United States of a government that takes care of its people as opposed to the 1%, contrary to the neoliberal paradigm imposed on US client states throughout the region, the US empire, contrary to international law and the will of the people in the US and the world has maintained a brutal economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba for 80 years.
Sponsored by the Organizing Committee of the International Conference for the Normalization of Relations between the United States and Cuba, musicians and poets from Cuba, the United States and Canada joined together in a historic virtual concert on Nov 13, 2020, to demand the end of the blockade the total normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba.
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