Villa Clara Ministry of the Interior report on events in the Condado Sur Popular Council

On the afternoon of Friday, July 1, agents of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) responded to the call of the population due to a disturbance of public order, in which the lives of two women who were inside a house were in danger. in the popular council Condado Sur of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province.

The 2 citizens were besieged by eight individuals with terrible social and moral conduct, who attacked the dwelling with stones, carrying knives and hurling insults and threats at them, for personal reasons.

Realizing the presence of the authority, the subjects attacked the law enforcement officers with stones; one of them trying to deprive one of the activists of his life against whom he pounced with a chalk knife in one hand and a machete in the other, injuring him in the forehead.

Faced with the imminent danger to the officer’s life, his companions made use of the regulation weapon, in defense of his physical integrity.

In the unfortunate incident, the main aggressor died, characterized by violent behavior, with multiple criminal records.

During the performance , a citizen unrelated to the altercation was injured, who received immediate medical assistance.

The competent authorities develop a rigorous investigation for the total clarification of the fact.


By US-Cuba Normalization Committee

Organizing Committee, International and Nationwide Conference for the Normalization of US-Cuba Relations.